
1. Reasons for leaving private and social rented accomodation

Are people living in social housing being forced out of London? That is the question we aim to answer. The purpose of this map is to visualize the main reasons people living in both socially-owned social housing and privately-owned social housing left their previous dwellings in that year. The data for this was sourced from the Ministry of Housing (data.gov). Initially this data had 18 different categories within it including categories like “relationship breakup”, however as this project focuses on social housing churn overall, the five deemed most relevant to this topic were selected, along with the totals for each borough.

The colouring of the map denotes the frequencies for the five main reasons for leaving in each borough. The data for socially and privately owned housing respectively, are displayed as a side by side comparison. You can use the menu to toggle between layers. The results of the map show that generally across socially and privately owned social housing dwellers, central London boroughs are where most of the leavings are concentrated. For both maps, the total rate, as well as the rates of each of the five reasons-for-leaving generally decrease over time.

Reasons for Leaving Prior Accomodation, Socially-Owned Social Housing Residents

Select a layer from the menu to see it visualized.
Click a borough to see the total counts and relative rate of that layer.


© Matthew Klovski 2019 Download Dataset.

Reasons for Leaving Prior Accomodation, Privately-Owned Social Housing Residents

Select a layer from the menu to see it visualized.
Click a borough to see the total counts and relative rate of that layer.


© Matthew Klovski 2019 Download Dataset.